Friends with MS is an online interactive support group for
people with MS, those not yet diagnosed and those who love
them. Our mission is to end the loneliness associated
with a chronic illness by supplying live chats, interactive
message boards, live video and newsgroups. As our motto
says, "with Friends with MS online, you're never alone."
Friends With MS was founded by Veronica Davison in
October of 1998 as just an online photo album of
friends with MS. Her group of friends were chatting
and exchanging photos via email. Someone suggested
that instead of resending photos over and over to
everyone they needed to be posted online. So
Veronica created a site with about six web pages of
everyones photos.
From there she added an online chat and message boards
and Friends With MS grew into the online community that
we have today.
I became a part of Friends With MS in August of 2009. I
was an unemployed IT worker trying to get into web
design so I could work from home. I noticed that the main
Friends With MS site was down and contacted Veronic through the
Yahoo email group about getting it back up. It was at that
time that I created the online chat member area.
In August 2010 I took over web master duties for this site as
well as the online chat area.
I do not have MS myself. The reason I have become
involved with any MS support group is because my wife has MS.
I am not only involved with the Friends With MS online
community but I am also a co-leader of a local Indepencence
Missouri MS support group.

The reason I need a work at home job is because as I
mentioned above my wife has MS. Unfortunately she has
gone worse case. She has been at a 9.5 on the EDSS
disability scale since December of 2002. She has been
in Hospice care since September of 2008.
This picture of us is from better times. It is from
our 25th Anniversary in 1998. At that time she was pretty
much in a wheel chair full time and severe trimmers had
started to affect her ability to use her hands. |
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